Twenty-Nine Delights

Created Nov 28, 2024. Updated Jan 20, 2025.

  1. To walk in the park on Saturday or Sunday in spring or summer when everyone—families barbecuing, athletes exercising, ambling cartpushers, picnicking romantics—are out there too.
  2. To cook with music on and someone to talk to while you stir fry.
  3. To spend a morning together, then return and rest, then change outfits and go out again for evening plans.
  4. To exit a building and find sunshine after class.
  5. Banter. Riffs and bits. Callbacks.
  6. To surrender to severe weather.
  7. To finally get out of the house at noon, and find the day sunny and warm.
  8. To commute home at night later than you’d like but you can play your favorite music as loud as you’d like in your ears.
  9. To attend a party where you know almost everyone.
  10. To host an event for your friends—to put your heart and reputation on the line in the pursuit of community and have it succeed through the power of sheer love.
  11. Having bathed yourself, to slip into bed with clean sheets.

The rest of the Twenty-Nine Delights will be revealed as I discover them…