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Prince Charming, Prince Charming, ridicule is nothing to be scared of.

The absence of a platypus can be stifling.

Don't hold; let go.

Creation is a human act. Destruction is for the nameless ones.

Action precedes motivation.

Those who cannot let understanding stop at what cannot be understood will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven.

Surrender attachment to results; there follows immediate peace.

During metamorphosis is too late to decide you do not want to change.

The right path is insistent; temptations are fleeting.

The versions of my life I didn't choose are none of my business.

To achieve: act urgently before desires change. To resist: act slowly.

The life you draw is the life there is.

Sensitive primates, who can tell apart the shivers in the dark, survive.

Oracular powers are real but often misinterpreted.

Poetry and wisdom both begin with misinterpretation.

When balance fails, you may always get back up. But those with grace never need to.

When hopeless, learn about monads.

There are no repetitions. Upon seeing something you like, announce, "I shall not have it, for it exists already!"

There is more to life than lust and learning, but lust and learning is all there is. Everything ever written is true.

Leave room for ugliness.

Lust is a call for release; answer it.

A thin rod balancing on its point is never stable. Find supports.

There is no authenticity without risk of embarrassment.

Yearning is a fundamentally creative emotion.

Just dance.