Responsum to Notes App Epic
- Marks of a main character:
- Quietly taking iPhone Notes at the function
- (a solo expidition [sic] [sic]
- in the seat of a full roadtrip vehicle
- (I wonder which seat she sat in?
- What is her social standing among
- San Francisco dykes?));
- Coming-of-age story featuring
- 1. car radio,
- 2. disgusting things (the red life and
- green rot of the world),
- 3. pseudointellectualism pervading,
- implacable, wanting to get out,
- 4. bathroom complications,
- 5. elementary school nostalgia (gotta
- say goodbye to childhood;
- best do it ritually),
- 6. Midpoint revelation (everyone’s a prophet,
- or maybe misquoting the Machine)
- suitable for dollface to face college next year,
- 7. Masculinity expressed in fights and
bruises and
- “fuck you
momtrader joes” - and tumbling frenzied awkward sexuality, and,
- “fuck you
- And a refrain of complicated sex,
- LitHum impresses this Lesson:
- Epics are made of references
- (an epic is not made by opaque references,
- by -chronology -attributions -causality),
- You do not create something new by denying the old,
- but by responding to it,
- and before Konstantin shouts, “New Forms!”
- in defense, submit Trigorin, deceptionless,
- who cannot help but admit the artless linkage from life to fiction.
- Why do you fear the provenance known?
- The point was to twist a dishonest platform into
- one that would force honesty of you,
- so why hide behind decontext?
- Do you fear that to know your influence is to know thyself?
- New Forms reject (respond to) the old;
- the old is cowering behind obscurity and obfuscation.
- If new forms must be, form hyperlink poetry.
- You can’t stop the signal, Mal;
- Siren songs display additive interference.
- It will grow and grow and there’s nothing to do, except
- at the tone, run the other way,
- do the opposite,
- match the wave out of phase and destroy it.
- The way is dark, away from sirens,
- because the negative is the original source.
- Like being topless made fun of in the house:
- it’s not the top but the less of it, its absence,
- filling that space are two breasts (the boy’s and yours)
- bared, embarrassed, because–
- sex is so embarrassing. Like here is my cock I guess. jesus christ
- I feel so unconvincing.
- Haven’t we all done this before?
- Why the pretense?
- Because you can never really know
- when somebody
- wants something you want too.
- And you’re made fun of in the house because you went in,
- like a dumb fucking moth towards the siren light,
- instead of going the dark way,
- developing the negative, opening the rods,
- instead of staying out in the field.
Conversation + thoughts + moments -chronology -attributions -causal coherence = epic poem
3 wishes in the land eachawish
666 Dorito Kit XCX XD
What color cat? Black
Lemme look at my good readsI’m— I read— one that’s a young boy and one like a cat… that kills a man
Wait is this the one with the cat? It’s the one with the cat.
Kafka cat on the shoreAntigone Antigone Antigone
Your moral compass and the way you treat me
Do you accept the title?
What, Antigone, yeah-I can feel the blood running through my body?
A shark thats insides look like purple salami
It’s getting split open but it’s texturally a salami
—It’s verging on summer sausage
-And i looked at him and he said what do you want to pay?
-And I said One dollar!, clearly read eyes from crying
Cause i had plenty of money but do i break a $20 bill for an ice creamIn elementary school, i could get 2 with a $5 bill
Oh I miss elementary school
Can you see yourself as a taxidermied rat figure?
Um, nunchucksHere, I saw it coming
And now it’s gone
I’ve been singing a lot lately
And if my singing’s not bad i can sing
—-That’s good! i should do that
You know, I have been singing a little
My neighbor had her boyfriend over to play
ukelele and sing, probably to cover me up
—-Or you just inspired them to sing
you pass them the singing bug
And then you get the Singing lice!!brat plays, we are quiet
I’m in Does Evil exist? Are you In the song?
Did your parents ever sing Oh my darling Clementine to you as a kid?
Yeah, my mom did.
Freaking yeah.
Freaking yeah.
—-Which line am i on?
Uptown, crosstown?
I crossed the field that I wasn’t supposed to
Just like my dream You cross the other fence
And you go to your boy You’re in the jeans commercial He’s topless you are too
Then you go in the house and everyone makes fun of you
That’s not the important part it’s the inthefield part that matters
She needs it more and you’re happier“Youre on the moon? What?”
“Im in a coming-of-age music kind of mood”- kayla, over the wind from the windows rolled downKayla hates on The Smiths
MGMT plays
The image of the dead deadens in my mind
Oh my God you guys i smell like my dadI give everyone mint. It tastes awful. ocelo says the first leaf was good.
Cause bethany broke down 5 palettes alone at work today i remembered the builditout instagram post of them in the grateful dead tee on another box breaking day
“Show them how to be an asset and not a“schizo high” is what they called it
Feeling topless made fun of in the houseWhy is schizophrenia the word like an aveeno oat body wash commercial, schizophrenic, the word, should have a s t k
Like Ersatz?
Yeah, the word ErsatzSprinning around the pole 7/8ths down 114th street, i make my wish
☑ Let it be known that everyone is a prophet and a hero and do let it get to your head cause you are special. but everyone else is special so dont get any complexes, but like clicking in matters and the people you see and are seen by are Great)
Eat vegan meat on stick
things undone are regrettable, things done areA blinker Like the withered limb
Some asymmetries they call pretty
If your bar fight swollen eye is an overdrawn wink
But you’re an overdrawn guy and it fits
it counts for good
Bring on the poor matches, good fitsAnd now i want to die in my poop
-Im feeling like this is the exist
-My phone says 2.9 miles does your say something different?
-Dont listen to me i just need to shit
-“Do you really have the Shameless theme song playing?” Says drinker of celery juice to shit right before 7 hour roadtrip
-Oh I see the light! i’m going to say “Let me in!”“Trader Joes! Fuck you” they say in unison
I used to care so much about having experiences that were interesting
The experiences are always interesting
Florence-What if one day there isn’t such thing as snow?
-Is it evil to want to make the people love snow again? So i keep the snow, their evil, on the Earth?
Is it evil to shuffle the queue?
No, call a wildcard or the wind’ll call a hurricaine,
Do it
Do it now.Feeling a bit topless made fun of in the house
The beat went round and round and I had to hop it out
—-Just went on a crazy solo expidition
The moon moved! [water sip]For energy: proscuitto, cheese, fig jam
Jinn berry
Three wishes, I remind youA roach lands on Nic’s arm
Bears it calmly: a roach!
Like a butterfly
I will be avenged!
Awesome possum
No more scaredy cat
—-Glad this Character made a comeback
And a final exit
We have shooed the catI’m obviously circling because i’m cyclical of
The end
of the world is sexy and forest fires are earthyLively debate over whether apples are bogus
I choose the wrong right answer
The hash slinging slasher wishes he was sharp as a roman numeral
The old man in the sea demands dignity
Card, card, and then the winner, baked beans
He majored in The Cold War at USC and now he builds taco bells