American Offices

American Offices

we must acknowledge that itā€™s called ā€œoffice spaceā€


Office Parks

Something about suburban office parks really gets me going. Source: New York Times.

The suburbanization of the corporate office was manifested through three distinct typologies, the office park, the corporate campus, and the corporate estate.

— Parks of Sprawl: The Corporate Landscape

A Love Letter To Those Offices Which Held Me

The Gates-Hillman Center (GHC) and Tata Consultancy Services Hall (TCS)

TCS Hall. My desk resided in room 221B (baker st?). One wall was green. I opened the window and let in the still hot summer air and stared at church spires.
GHC. The angle obscures GHC's finest feature: its pancake design composed of stacked levels.
GHC interior.

Stata: The Two Towers

The Stata Center: my office to be...?
Stata exteriors from Stata interiors.

In conclusion

long live the university office

Office Relationships

1. Internship Season

The office contains us. Multitudes within us, within the office. The office is site witness to full gamut of human emotions. Office happy, office sad, office wintry february january drudgery—

internship summer

The office has never looked more inviting.

2. The Train

Employee handbook says it is best to take the train to the office. Studies show that workplace performance is highest when you board the last car on an elevated track and watch the wake the rails make. Donā€™t resist the bouncing of the train.

You take the 9:42 Shady Grove bound Red Line—you know, the one that forms a U—transfer to the Green Line towards Greenbelt (apt) at Fort Totten, get off at College Park U of Md and wait for the bus at the station and then another bus to LPS right next to the 4H; get off on the side of the road once youā€™re on Greenmead.

What did you read on the way? Was it The Atlantic? You can do better than that.

3. Comedy


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